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Blackfoot Loop Hike to Meadow Shelter
·566 words·3 mins
Geocaching Blackfoot Hiking
Using geocache maintenance as an excuse, I hiked a 10 km loop along the always excellent trails in the southwest section of the Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Prov. Recreation Area today.
Meandering Around Millet
·477 words·3 mins
Geocaching CarTrip
I meandered down some rural Alberta roads on the way to Millet, AB today.
Nature Does Some Clever Magic Tricks
·287 words·2 mins
Geocaching Hiking Chickakoo
It was some of nature’s magic tricks I noticed along the way that impressed me the most during a hike along the trails of the Chickakoo Lake Recreation area today.
Car Caching Along the Backroads of Lamont County
·530 words·3 mins
Geocaching Lamont County
Car-caching with a buddy in north Lamont County
A Short Hike Along Mtn Bike Trails East of Goldstick Park
·533 words·3 mins
Geocaching Hiking Edmonton
I returned to these trails with the goal of finding a cache I’d been unable to find in Dec. 2023. Compared to that visit, this summer outing today provided a far different experience - and I loved it.
Finding a Fairly Remote Cache South of Mandy Lake
·47 words·1 min
Ministik Hiking Geocaching
To get to a remote cache today, I walked down familiar trails but then covered ground that I’d only once been near before 10 years ago - and that was in the winter months.
Ministik Five Meadows to Waskahegan Loop Hike
·116 words·1 min
Ministik Hiking Geocaching
I undertook a grand loop hike in the Ministik today, what I call the Five Meadows Hike. It was a gloriously beautiful day to do it too.
Ministik Geocaching Hike North of 510 and South to Deadfall Alley
·34 words·1 min
Ministik Geocaching Hiking
Three of us did a two part hike today, first north of Township Rd 510 and then south to Deadfall Alley
Ministik Hike to Explore Trails Northeast of Mandy Lake
·2 words·1 min
Ministik Hiking
In the past I’d walked on stub trails northeast of Mandy Lake and today I wanted to see if they really were actual trails - spoiler alert - there were.
Walking a Mostly Forgotten Trail Off Spilstead Road
·61 words·1 min
Ministik Hiking Alberta
There are some out of the way trails in the Ministik that start but eventually just peter out into nothing. This is one of them.