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About Me

·222 words·2 mins

Hi there, I’m Grant Wilson from Edmonton, Alberta. Wherever I’ve happened to settle down, I’ve always loved to explore. That could mean exploring anything from city streets to trails through the bush to an almost featureless arctic tundra. I grew up in small town Saskatchewan, Canada, but I’ve been lucky enough to be able to change “habitats” a few times in my life: a summer working in Germany beside the Baltic Sea, a couple years of living and working in Hiroshima and Matsuyama Japan, and a year living above the arctic circle in Nunavut.

And no matter where I’ve been, there’s always been a strong urge to record my experience. I’ve failed to do this enough times throughout my life to want to make it a priority these days. However I can, I try to make it a priority to record what I’ve been up to, what I’ve seen and what it was like to be where I was.

This urge to record experience is hardly unique these days. The web, then blogs, then YouTube: the possibilities are endless for people to “publish themselves”. Will what you see here be much different? Probably not, but for my own selfish sake, I hope that this site is a repository of my attempts to expand my “capacity for experience”.

“Grant Wilson” in Japanese katakana
"Grant Wilson" in Japanese katakana
Grant S Wilson
Grant S Wilson


Hike to Oliver Lake to Find Two New Geocaches
·590 words·3 mins
Geocaching Hiking Ministik
It seemed as if I was floating along the Ministik trails today.