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360 Photos


Winter Walk to the Waskahegan Fire Tower
·222 words·2 mins
360 Photos Cool Apps Geocaching Hiking Ministik
A hike to a fairly remote fire tower in the Ministik Bird Sanctuary southeast of Edmonton is brought to life with StoryMapJS, software that combines maps with images and text.


St. John The Baptist Russo-Greek Catholic Orthodox Church (Farus)
·102 words·1 min
360 Photos Cemeteries Churches Photography Time-Lapse
This church stands at the top of a small hill overlooking a cemetery and farmland beyond.
St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church
·70 words·1 min
360 Photos Cemeteries Churches Photography Time-Lapse
Like so many others, this church is an example of a structure rebuilt after a previous church succumbed to fire. Now in need of some repair, the building is still an imposing structure.
Holy Trinity Russo Orthodox Church (Old Wostok)
·157 words·1 min
360 Photos Cemeteries Churches Photography
In 1987 the first Orthodox liturgy on Canadian soil was celebrated near this church site. Completed in 1899, this church was the first Orthodox Church in Canada.