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Driving on Lac Ste Anne Ice to Find Farming Island Geocaches
·92 words·1 min
Geocaching CarTrip LacSteAnne
Hugh and I were planning on walking over the ice to the caches on Farming Island on Lac St Anne. But we saw ice fishers on the ice, so we drove instead.
Ice Walking to Island Geocaches on Oliver Lake
·44 words·1 min
Ministik Hiking Geocaching
I met my buddy Hugh and we spent hours walking over crusty lake ice to find geocachings hidden on islands on Oliver Lake in the Ministik Bird Sanctuary
Ministik Hike from Mandy Lake to Dorward Lake Over Lake Ice
·28 words·1 min
Ministik Geocaching Hiking
I had an excellent walk over hardened trail snow and lake ice to get to remote cache in the Ministik Bird Sanctuary


A Satisfying Hike Over Lake Ice to the Domino “Puzzle” Cache
·1272 words·6 mins
Geocaching Hiking
A geocaching buddy Hugh and I trudge across lake ice early in March, 2021 to get to an island on which a “puzzle” geocache was hidden.
The Endless Loop of Decision
·1383 words·7 mins
Two very different stories share one identical, fundamentally important message.
My Beautiful Teacup from Bizen
·643 words·4 mins
I had the rare opportunity to visit with two potters who made Bizen pottery in Okayama Prefecture in Japan. The purposely rough, charred style of pottery conjures an aesthetic called wabi-sabi.
My Ugly Mug from Tobe
·874 words·5 mins
I still have my “ugly mug” from Tobe, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. I think of it as an important momento of my time living in Japan but I still think it’s ugly.
Zettelkasten: the Promise of A Truly Effective Method of Learning
·1776 words·9 mins
Note Taking
A brief introduction to the Zettelkasten method of note making as described in How to Take Smart Notes by Sönke Ahrens.


StoryMapJS - Part 3 - Sharing a StoryMap
·1214 words·6 mins
Cool Apps Mapping Storytelling Tutorials
In Part 3, the final part of the series, we cover how to share your StoryMap with others.
The Meal
·1305 words·7 mins
Cambridge Bay Arctic Cambridge-Bay
The title suggests this post is about a meal, but the topic is really about adapting to new and different realities.