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Ministik Hike to Explore Trails Northeast of Mandy Lake

·2 words·1 min
Ministik Hiking


Grant S Wilson
Grant S Wilson


Walking a Mostly Forgotten Trail Off Spilstead Road
·61 words·1 min
Ministik Hiking Alberta
There are some out of the way trails in the Ministik that start but eventually just peter out into nothing. This is one of them.
Ministik Hike Near Joseph Lake
·43 words·1 min
Ministik Hiking Alberta
I made the trek down the trails of a corner of the Ministik I seldom visit today.
Ministik Hike Along Deadfall Alley
·24 words·1 min
Ministik Hiking Geocaching
Four of us hiked south from the UofA Access Road gate all the way down Deadfall Alley today.